Getting Started On Testnet
Testnet Loot Survivor is the perfect place to practice and hone your skills without spending any LORDS or ETH on gas before playing on mainnet.
- Free to play (testnet funds)
- Bot protection removed: instant start
- Gas paid in goerli eth
- Not eligible for tournament prizes, LORDS rewards for top three places or collectible beasts
Step 1: Get a Starknet Wallet. Download ArgentX (opens in a new tab) or Braavos (opens in a new tab).
Step 2: Get some goerli eth from the Starknet faucet (opens in a new tab) (or ask in #survivor-chat in discord)
Step 3: Change your wallet network to testnet
Step 4: Head to Loot Survivor (testnet) (opens in a new tab)
Step 5: Connect your wallet
Step 6: Mint Lords. You can either mint as part of the onboarding process (for players with no Arcade Account) or by minting in the game header.
Step 7: Create an Arcade Account
- Initiates a transfer of 0.01 goerli ETH and a custom amount of LORDS based on the number of games you want to prefund with
- Initiates three contract approvals
Step 8: Connect your new Arcade Account
Step 9: Choose your weapon and name your Adventurer
Step 10: Press 'PLAY WITH LORDS TOKENS' (these are test LORDS)
Step 11: Play